In Geography you will study about places, people and what shapes the environment. You will learn how the environment influences people, and how they change the environment. You will develop your ability to draw and understand maps, graphs and diagrams, as well as studying photographs and collecting information outside the classroom through fieldwork.
Students study a variety of topics throughout their time in St. Patrick’s Secondary School. This provides the student with the opportunity to interact with both the theory and practical side of the subject. Students will participate in numerous field trips/studies and complete a CBA1 (Classroom based assessment) in 2nd Year and CBA 2 in 3rd Year.

Example of some of the topics in Junior Cycle include:
The Earth
Primary Economic Activities (Farming, fishing & Bogs)
Secondary Economic Activities (Industries and their impacts)
Tertiary Economic Activities (Transport and Tourism)
Economic Inequality (Fair Trade)
Maps and Aerial Photographs:
OS Map Skills
Aerial Photograph Skills
What is assessment for Geography in Junior Cycle?
The assessment in Geography is as follows:
In 2nd Year there aswell as engaging in classroom activities and learning there is Classroom-Based Assessment 1 – Geography in the News.
In 3rd Year there is Classroom-Based Assessment 2 – My Geography, an Assessment Task worth 10% and a final examination worth 90% all at Common Level. The exam is 90 minutes long.
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