Home Economics
Home Economics is an applied subject combining theory with practice (practical) in order to develop understanding and solve problems. It is concerned with the way individuals and families manage their resources to meet physical, emotional, intellectual, social and economic needs. In St. Patrick’s Secondary school, we offer Home Economics in partnership with Presentation Secondary School. Here students get the opportunity to study the subject in a mixed classroom setting.
The aims of the course include the following:
To provide continuity and progression from the aims and content of the Junior Certificate Home Economics programme.
- To allow students to acquire and develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, competence and attitudes necessary to contribute to a personal and family environment conducive to human development, health and happiness.
- To provide a suitable basis for the formation of post-school life, with the emphasis on future education and employment needs; to include the particular needs of the food industry, clothing, textile/fashion and craft industries, tourism, social and health services e.g. nutrition, dietetics.
- To provide students to develop and apply the management skills necessary for the effective organization and management of available resources to satisfy personal and family needs in a continuously changing economic, social and technological climate
Course Outline
The revised Home Economics course will be of particular interest to new students and for students who enjoyed Home Economics at Junior Cycle Level. The new syllabus builds on the science of nutrition to all aspects learned at Junior Cycle and at senior cycle applies nutrition to all aspects of daily living.
Students who take Home Economics will learn about food science and nutrition, consumer studies, money management, family studies and sociology. Students must complete a research assignment journal which is handed up in 6th year and is worth 20% of their final mark. These four assignments cover a range of topics under the following headings: application of nutritional principles, food preparation and cooking processes, food technology and sensory analysis. Students complete research, prepare, cook and serve a dish suitable to the assignment and evaluate it afterwards. All this is recorded in an assignment journal which is marked by the SEC. This is the only practical aspect to the course. There is no practical cookery exam.
What type of student takes Home Economics?
This subject is particularly suitable for those who may not want to follow a direct science career but who wish to have a science subject in the Leaving Certificate as some colleges in particular recognise Home Economics as their science subject (each college has different preferences). It is a very inclusive subject as it has many cross-curricular links with subjects such as chemistry, biology and economics which compliment and cements learning. It also has a practical element for completion of the food assignment journal. It is also very suited to a student with an interest in societal issues as the course includes an in-depth study of sociology.
Senior Level – the course begins afresh and is spread out over 2 years, and this is more in depth content covered in Junior Cycle e.g. consumer studies, food studies, culinary skills, resource management, social and health studies and textile studies. Sociology is an integral part of the course. The family and marriage are studied as a core subject and social issues such as education, unemployment and poverty as an elective.
Career Opportunities
Home Economics will be of particular use to any student intending on pursuing careers in teaching, science related courses such as nutrition, dietetics, nursing, microbiology, the food industry fashion and design, community and health education within the heath boards, setting up your own education within the health boards, for careers in social work, setting up your own business, hotel and catering and banking.
For more detailed information on the Leaving Certificate Home Economics syllabus click the link below.