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Agricultural Science

Agricultural science is the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. Plants and animal types associated with agriculture are studied, and investigations are undertaken into such aspects as soil, ecology, plant and animal physiology, farm crops, farming practices, genetics and microbiology. 

Why Study Agricultural Science?

Agricultural Science remains a very popular subject among students in Ireland and reflects our agricultural background. This subject proves popular among students who are planning to study Veterinary Science, Science or Medicine in college.

Course Content

The course consists of the study of a variety of aspects of agriculture and is divided into four main strands.

 Scientific Practices:

  • Hypothesising
  • Experimenting
  • Evaluating Evidence
  • Communicating
  • Working Safely


  • Classification
  • Properties (Chemical, Physical, Biological)
  • Management   
  • Grass and Other Crops:
  • Plant Physiology
  • Classification/Identification
  • Production (Establishment, Management, Harvesting)    


  • Animal Physiology
  • Classification/Identification
  • Production (System/Enterprise, Management, Animal Husbandry and Health)    


There are two assessment components:

– An individual investigative study (IIS) worth 25%

– Written paper worth 75%


An individual investigative study is carried out by each student which involves investigating a topic of agricultural significance in greater depth. The study is based on a themed brief that is set out at the beginning of senior cycle and is completed throughout the two years. The experimental investigation is carried out, data is gathered and processed and results and conclusions are formed which are all documented on a report which will be assessed along with the written exam.

Links to other subjects

The agricultural science syllabus has very strong links with other senior cycle subjects such as biology and geography. If you are considering either of these subjects, choosing agricultural science may be of benefit to you.


Career Links

The study of agricultural science can lead to many exciting and rewarding careers across the agriculture and food sectors. These include careers such as agriculture, education, sustainability, general science and food science studies, veterinary, environmental studies, horticulture, marine science, microbiology, genetics, zoology and botany. Agricultural science is now also accepted as a science subject for access to many third level courses.


For more detailed information on the Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science syllabus click the link below.
