066-7141963 [email protected]

Information Technology (IT)

Students in St. Patrick’s Secondary School engage in IT classes in Senior Cycle. IT classes helps to develop students’ confidence and proficiency in using computer programmes, softwares and using the internet efficiently, effectively and safely. 

What do students learn in IT

Students learn a wide range of skills in IT class. Below are some of the areas that students develop skills in. 

  • Word processing skills using Microsoft Word and Google Docs
  • Numerical processing skills uisng Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets
  • Presentation softwares such as PowerPoint and Slides
  • Using Microsoft applications such as Sharepoint, Stream, Onenote etc.
  • Using Google Suite – Drive, Forms, Sites etc. 
  • Recording and editing audio files
  • Recording and editing video files
  • Image quality and images formats
  • Referencing and validating information online
  • Formatting a document
  • Using Hex codes for colour consistency in a document
  • Sharing and collaborating material online
  • Internet safety
  • IT related terms – RAM/ROM, HDD/SDD etc.
  • AI and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Smart phones and mental health related issues


Useful links: 

The link below directs you to the Webwise website where you can find videos around the safe use of the internet and issues surrounding safe internet use. 
