066-7141963 [email protected]


This short course aims to:

  • Develop the ability to formulate problems logically
  • Develop skills to design, write and test code through the development of programs, apps, games, animations or websites
  • Develop knowledge about computer science, through chosen learning activities

Will Coding have anything to do with other subjects I will be studying in Junior Cycle?

The skills developed in Coding are useful in many of the subjects in Junior Cycle due to the problem-solving nature of the subject and the ability to creative. Coding is particularly useful for STEM subjects such as Mathematics, Graphics and Applied Technology.

What will I learn in Coding?

Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:

  • how to create computer games using scratch
  • basic principles of programming language such as html, css and python which can be used to create mobile applications and websites
  • how to program a Micro:Bit and other control boards
  • the importance of technology in our everyday life
  • the development of design thinking and creative problem-solving skills
  • How all computer hardware works together.

How will I learn Coding in school?

Coding will be learnt in school in a hands-on approach in school with a 60-minute period each week. There will be project work throughout first and second year with a CBA at the end of second year which will result in a descriptor that will be the result for the Junior Cycle.

    What is the Coding Junior Cycle exam like?

    It is envisaged that students will provide evidence of their learning in a variety of ways, including digital media, audio recordings and written pieces

    This Classroom-Based Assessment is the culmination of the work undertaken in the three strands of the coding short course. The classroom-Based Assessment should begin after work in the three strands has been completed. Students will develop a final software project of their choice in teams of two or three. They will research and establish requirements; design, implement and test the software. They will document their work and their code and present the project to their peers for review. They will reflect on feedback and also provide feedback on other students’ projects.

    Will the skills developed in Coding be useful in Leaving Certificate subjects

    The skills developed in Junior Cycle Coding are very beneficial for Leaving Certificate Technology where control technology and coding are used in the subject. The skills developed in coding are also beneficial for the Leaving Certificate subject of Computer Science.